Well I thought I would start off by explaining a little bit about what you can read about here on this blog. Today's New Adventure is a title or name that I came up with when I was a freshmen in college. At the time I created it for a production company I was hoping to start which never really worked out, but since I came up with it I have continued to use it for many things as my stamp for any of my work. It fits so well with life and they way Jesus wants us to live our lives. Now I will be honest, this was not my thought process when I first came up with it but revisiting the name made me realize how effective it could be. You see every day is created for a reason and by our create, God. He has a greater plan for us and each day is provide for us to take one new step closer to this greater plan. So each and every day we wake up, we have no idea what is going to happen to us or how we are going to be feeling twelve hours later, what we will have gone through. God is walking with us every step of the way but only he really knows what adventures lie before us. So how bout that! Every day is something new created for this greater plan that we are walking towards but have very little idea of what each step is going to affect. I'm picturing the opening scene to Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indy sees the gold midalion in front of him but he has to step carfully because with each step is something unexpected. The intensity and excitment of that scene is awesome! Thats what "Today's New Adventure" is all about. We don't know what that next step is going to bring us and that means one heck of an adventure! Not to mention if you are following in the steps of Jesus, the adventure is even greater because the faith and hope that you follow creates an energy that will bring new life to each step you take. Now we are really talking about "Today's New Adventure"!
So whats this all about? Well its about our daily adventures. Our walk with Jesus and the newness of each day he brings to us. The excitment and adventure that comes with being a disciple of Christ. So please continue to check back, post comments, and get involved in the conversation because the adventure is always better when your involved! So when you wake up each morning, get excited! It's a new day, made just for you and you have no idea what is instore for you as the minutes go by. It's an adventure, and the best one of your life!
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