Sunday, June 14, 2009

Winds of Grace Tour 2009: Journey and Arrival

Throughout this week, we will encourage the youth to write about their daily experiences to publish to the blog. Please stay tuned for the Winds of Grace Tour updates through the eyes of our incredible youth.

Melissa Izzo writes about Sunday June 14th:

Sunday was a long... LONG day. Waking up on a bus full of excited youth and adults at a rest stop, it was midnight, and we all unloaded to hit the bathrooms before another few hours on the road. WAlking towards the bathrooms, I noticed a foggy window and used my finger to write, "WINDS OF GRACE TOUR '09" into the fog. The mission had begun. Arriving at St. Paul's around 4 AM we all continued our attempts to sleep for another two hours, though we slightly failed, considering we were on a bus full of teenagers. After waking, eating and waiting for the vans to arrive, we loaded up and went to Fort Gains for the morning. Hanging around that old Mobile war fort consisted of looking at old pictures to climbing on top of war cannons. It was a real blast! We ate lunch at Sonic, and after flustering our waitresses with such an amazing(ly large) group of people, we left for Dauphin Beach. We "chillaxed" (as Kenny would say) and go some final peace before starting work on Monday. Back at St. Paul's we gladly showered and worshiped, learning about God's Grace throughout the Old Testament. Finishing the night with a stop and go circle, everyone felt closer as Solid Rock's repeat offenders welcomed the new missioners to our family.

We're very excited to be here in Mobile to be God's hands and feet. A full day of rest and fun prepares us for the work ahead of us. Youth connected beautifully in a very touching way during worship, and I'm sure this week will fill their lives with stories they'll share for the rest of their lives.

-G. Lue

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