Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Mysterys of God

"As you do not know the path of the wind, or now the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things."
~Ecclesiastes 11:5

It is not always possible for us to understand God's plan for us. And if you really try, sometimes it just becomes more frustrating trying to figure out what this ultimate teacher, guide, creator, and leader is trying to accomplish in His plan! We get frustrated when we ask God for something in prayer and we don't recieve it. We say that God isn't listening or that he doesn't asnwer prayers. But God is not a genie that you can just turn to him and he will grant your every wish. That, unfortunately, not how all this works! No, fortunately, God wants us to be involved in our own lives and wants us to be in relationship with him that honors him and his creation! Plus, maybe God did answer that prayer you prayed asking for something. But maybe it just wasn't the way you invisioned it. God's funny in that way, he can answer our prayer without us even knowing it and work through us in ways we might not have ever thought.
Three years ago I was finished with school and looking for work. I applied to hundreds of production companies, film houses, and television stations. Every day I spent hours online looking at job sites, sending follow up emails, and tweeking my demo reel. I spent days upon days driving around town knocking on doors, meeting people, passing out resumes and hunting for the job that would launch my career in the film and television industry. I prayed to God, "God, please help me find a job! If you help me find a job I promise to honor you with it! I will work really hard, make lots of money, and will work on films that promote positive social change. I will create my own production company that will make videos for churches and it will all honor you! All I'm asking for is that first job that will get me started on this path! Amen" More months went by and no job... Finally, i caught a break, a job on a cruise ship! This was it, the start of the career that would be the rest of my life! Thank you God!.... Nope! The job sucked! Before I knew it I was back home in the exact same place I was four months earlier. And then God did it; he did his funny little thing that was answering my prayers but boy it sure wasn't the answer I was expecting. I got a job offer at this church to be the Youth and Family Ministry Coach. It wasn't at all what I was expecting or looking for but it was a job. I didn't realize it until after I accepted the job that this was God answering my prayer and working in a really mysterious round about way. By golly it was His plan and boy did he know better then me! I'm now entering my third year as a youth minister, preparing for further education in ministry, and no plans to be stepping out of ministry. I prayed for a job that would honor him and that is what he gave me, just not the same job I thought I needed to honor him.

Why ask why? If we believe God is always present to us and has a plan for us, why do we always try to figure it our ourselves? I guess that is the nature of sin, our own meddling in this plan that we frankely can't grasp...because we are always meddling in it! What would it be like if we just sat back and enjoyed the mystery of life that God is putting before us? What if we stopped asking why and started asking where? Where is Jesus in the midst of our lives? He is there, all the time, in ALL of our lives. What if we start seeing Him in our lives on a daily basis? How does that change your daily adventure of life? Maybe we just need to get out of the way, say, "I love you and trust you God" and see what adventures He has planned for us.

What does your adventure look like? Where is Jesus in your adventure today?

May you find Him and His love in the wonderful adventure of life that is a gift and a blessing each and every day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great post, Kenny! I can definitely relate and I think the youth in your ministry are very blessed to have you!

-Ashley D